Wild Tales was a children's theater program created by Liza Kitchell to explore urban ecology through drama, games and music. It was free, open to children ages 6-13, and funded by the Somerville Arts Council. The Wild Tales program ran from 2010-17, and was based at the Somerville Community Growing Center, the Mystic Learning Center and SCATV.
Click on a picture below to find out more about that year's play.
2017: "DIY(W)ildTales - Pollination."
Wild Tales campers made 3 mini-documentaries around the theme of Pollination in Somerville.
2016: "Song of the River."
This play was about water chestnuts — an invasive water plant that threatens the Mystic River's ecosystem. In our play, the river inhabitants — birds, fish, dragonflies & mermaids — find a way to fight the water chestnuts (with the help of a big, orange harvester) and win back their river.
2015: "The Monster in the Garden: a silly play about Shape Up Somerville."
This play was about healthy food and exercise. It featured Professor Nosealot, a professor from Tufts University, who discovers that many children at the Healey School are overweight and unhealthy.
2014: "Escape From Trash Mountain: the Junk Rock Revolution."
This play was about recycling. It featured a punk rock band who makes all of its own instruments at the garbage dump, where they meet a new friend and discover the importance (and fun!) of recycling.
2013: "What Makes a City Grow? A Tale of Two Cities."
This play was about the two worlds that inhabit a city — one man-made and the other natural — and how these two different worlds come together to protect their city from an evil developer.
2012: "When Fish Run: the Story of a Small Fry."
This play was about the annual migration of the Alewife fish in the Mystic River. It featured two brave Alewife fish, Alberto and Beatriz, and their efforts to save the river from the Bass King and his evil gang.
2011: "Economy Chickens."
This play was about urban farming. It featured a chicken farmer trying to help the economic welfare of his community - but his chickens play a silly trick on him.
2010: "Wild Tales Running Through My Back Yard."
This play was about wild animals who live in our city. It featured a fox and a coyote who venture into the city only to discover that their home by the Mystic River is going to be turned into a factory.